Willem Dafoe
Drew And Mike – January 20, 2022
Go Buffalo Billdos, UofM eliminates the Jon Vaughn clause, WeWork/WeCrashed, Kamala Harris’ disastrous interviews, a new Bonerline, Maz checks in, Dave Portnoy v. Business Insider part 2, and Pauly Shore kills Louie Anderson. NFL Playoff football rules! We like the Buffalo Bills because of Karl […]
Drew And Mike – April 17, 2018
Tom Mazawey (@TomMazawey) & Trudi Daniels (@TrudiDan) are here today! Trudi meets Maz, ML Elrick dials in with a new story for us, we dial out to get the scoop on Stormy’s appearance in Detroit, a tough 9 year old rapper makes us puke, we share a laugh at […]