Seattle Mariners
Drew And Mike – February 23, 2021
Tiger Woods’ new car accident, WATP Karl joins us, ‘racist’ UCLA runner, Hugh Hefner’s ex dishes, Meghan McCain v. Dr. Fauci, The Bachelor gets dumped, and Michael Jackson’s terrible charity song. Jeep has been put in a rough position after someone asked the Chief of […]
Drew And Mike – July 26, 2018
Jim Bentley (@jimbentley22), Tom Mazawey (@TomMazawey), Trudi Daniels (@TrudiDan) & Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) are here today! Mark Zuckerberg lost a lot of money, Demi Lovato silence breaking, OJ wants to see his granddaughter, Scott Peterson has a boyfriend, Discount Daryl exists, beware of beach umbrellas and Maz is out of control. We’re starting […]