New Wave

Drew And Mike – March 5, 2020
Trudi Daniels (@TrudiDan) & Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) are here today! Nik Wallenda fools America again, Elizabeth Warren drops out, RIP Art Van (the store), Hillary on Hulu, OJ Simpson on criminal defense, a new Bonerline and Ashley Graham changes a dirty diaper in the middle of Staples. Hillary […]

Drew And Mike – March 6, 2019
Trudi Daniels (@TrudiDan) and Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) are here today! R Kelly is becoming the new MJ, plus he was arrested again today, watching John Wayne Bobbitt’s knuckle-penis, listening to John Wayne Gacy, John Wayne’s son breaks his silence, the Ferndale Uber kerfuffle, Trump’s transcripts and hot wings […]