Drew And Mike – December 15, 2020

December 15, 2020 Drew Lane

Harry & Meghan’s podcast, Chris Spielman joins the Lions, Tom Cruise dresses down his crew, Debra “makes another” Messing, more Dr. Jill Biden fallout, Jacko v. HBO, Maz checks in, and Drew almost lost his home. Drew starts the show off by blowing his nose […]

Drew And Mike – November 19, 2020

November 19, 2020 Drew Lane

TJ Miller joins us to debate Beasties v. Beatles, Kelly Stafford is fed up with Michigan, murderer Robert Marzejka, the Weepy-Voice Killer, a new Bonerline, and we check out Hillary Clinton’s new podcast. It’s a radio format flipping frenzy: 89X has gone country. Yee haw. […]

Drew And Mike – August 4, 2020

August 4, 2020 Drew Lane

Massive explosion in Beirut, Jim Hackett out at Ford, COVID goes back to school, the murder of Susie ‘Q’ Zhao, the top 50 movie soundtracks, Yo! Semite, and “Homeless” Al has been found. Jim Hackett “retired” from Ford, but some people are imagining a different […]

Drew And Mike – August 3, 2020

August 3, 2020 Drew Lane

Monkeemobile Mel goes Hollywood, Macomb’s penis cake problem, Alyssa Milano thinks her podcast is good, cancel Ellen, UofM’s horny ex-provost, a Bonerline, and Maz Zooms us through his palace. An early Bonerline! The Sandlot is still widely debated on the program, but the cult loves […]

Drew And Mike – July 30, 2020

July 30, 2020 Drew Lane

Karl from ‘Who Are These Podcasts?‘ joins us, Bo Schembechler knew about Dr. Anderson, Herman Cain died of COVID, new Cameos, political attack ads, and we call a tribal casino to find out about their Coronavirus rules. Showtime has a new documentary on The Go-Go’s, […]

Drew And Mike – July 14, 2020

July 14, 2020 Drew Lane

The saga of Amber’s Turd, police fatally shoot man post mask fight, New York Times Op-Editor quits, Gary Graff checks in, and we talk to the guy that trademarked names for the Washington football team. We’re #32 on Google Play… from 9pm to 6am every […]

Drew And Mike – June 30, 2020

June 30, 2020 Drew Lane

Ken & Karen: The Sequel, RIP WDFN, John Wayne Gacy Airport, COVID comeback, another YouTuber freak out, a new Bonerline, and a disputed list of the Top 300 Female Adult Film Stars. 100,000 cases of COVID per day, huh? Cool. Drop requests are coming in […]

Drew And Mike – June 29, 2020

June 29, 2020 Drew Lane

Our 1,000th episode, DPD SUV hits protesters, the bad idea that is Quibi, canceled YouTubers, Bentley’s trolling results, face tattoos are in, and Drew has a toilet in his yard. There’s a toilet in front of the Red Shovel Studios. Come and get it, Joe. […]

Drew And Mike – June 4, 2020

June 4, 2020 Drew Lane

Lea Michele-gate continues, George Floyd’s memorial, Drew Brees’ apology, Gov. Whitmer’s ok with protests now, Gabrielle Union not giving in, Billy Bush’s privilege, Meghan Markle says nothing, and we try to buy jet skis with eBay gift cards off of Facebook Marketplace. George Floyd’s funeral […]

Drew And Mike – May 14, 2020

May 14, 2020 Drew Lane

Ike ‘Mega Man’ Griffin takes us back, ML Elrick calls from the Lansing protests, great excuses on “COPS”, Melissa Etheridge’s son passes, and we accidentally ruin Righteous Rick’s guest spot on Aaron Carters IG Live. Today’s protests in Lansing looked quite tame. Though the narrative […]

Drew And Mike – March 24, 2020

March 24, 2020 Drew Lane

BranDon (@Pro_Duecer) and Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) are here today! Death v. Economy, Dr. Fauci’s been found, the Coronavirus spring breaker is sorry, more celebrity PSAs, Drew crime stories, what COVID-19 is making us hate, and RIP to a show friend. BranDon still can’t leave his house and Drew […]

Drew And Mike – March 9, 2020

March 9, 2020 Drew Lane

Trudi Daniels (@TrudiDan) & Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) are here today! Bernie visits Ann Arbor, another Black Monday, Trudi might have Coronavirus, Ann Marie LaFlamme exits WXYZ, the best Rock Anthems and BranDon is mad we don’t know his drinking game. If you have anything invested in the market […]

Drew And Mike – March 1, 2020

March 1, 2020 Drew Lane

BranDon (@Pro_Duecer) and Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) are here today! New Royals: Harry & Bon Jovi, Bye-Bye Boot Edge Edge, Coronavirus mania, Zavier Simpson’s perfect police video, #CancelChrisMatthews, Paulina Porizkova is all yours, Bill Idol never idles and we call Harvey Weinstein’s hospital to report him. Joe Biden actually […]

Drew And Mike – February 27, 2020

February 27, 2020 Drew Lane

Trudi Daniels (@TrudiDan) & Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) are here today! Bob Saget joins us, Matt reps the show on the Hall of Shame, Coronavirus freak-out, Love is Blind, Uber fart fight, McMillions, more Dr. Drop-Your-Pants victims and BranDon is too good for crust. Aunt Becky might walk free, […]

Drew And Mike – February 10, 2020

February 10, 2020 Drew Lane

Trudi Daniels (@TrudiDan) & Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) are here today! The preachy Oscars, Rage Against the Machine returns, Pam Anderson’s ex paid her bills, we call the guy suing the Super Bowl Half Time show, Drew hates UofM and we finally call Canada Stan. Rage Against the Machine […]

Drew And Mike – November 19, 2019

November 19, 2019 Drew Lane

Tom Mazawey (@TomMazawey) & Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) are here today! Jim Belushi calls in, Clay tells us about Scientology’s failed block party, #Fartgate, Mötley Crüe’s contract, we’re team Jim Fouts, new Jeffrey Epstein accusations, the Drew & Mike Store is open and Tom talks Turkey Trot. There’s new […]

Drew And Mike – November 5, 2019

November 5, 2019 Drew Lane

Tom Mazawey (@TomMazawey) & Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) are here today! Cobbling together a living, ‘Not Danny Ainge’ gets us in trouble, ABC buries a Jeffrey Epstein story, Generacists, Jolie v. Pitt, Harvey Weinstein’s daily life, a new Bonerline and Maz can’t read maps. Amy Robach is pissed that […]

Drew And Mike – September 11, 2019

September 11, 2019 Drew Lane

Trudi Daniels (@TrudiDan) & Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) are here today! Dennis Rodman & Michael Jackson’s common bond, Antonio Brown accused of rape, OJ remembers 9/11, vaping kills, a new Bonerline, BranDon’s non-conspiracy theory and we put Righteous Rick on the clock to comment on Aaron Carter’s appearance on […]

Drew And Mike – September 9, 2019

September 9, 2019 Drew Lane

Trudi Daniels (@TrudiDan) & Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) are here today! UT’s new shirt is *fire emoji*, 30 for 30 on Dennis Rodman, David Lee Roth’s coming to Vegas, worried about Andy Dick, David Crosby documentary, beginning of the end of Matt Patricia and Drew gets a surprise visit. […]

Drew And Mike – July 9, 2019

July 9, 2019 Drew Lane

Tom Mazawey (@TomMazawey) & Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) are here today! Malik McDowell needs a supervisor, Ross Perot goes to the ‘giant sucking sound’ in the sky, OJ’s birthday, new Jim South audio, new Bonerline and how Drew would use a time machine. Happy Birthday to OJ Simpson who […]

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