A Night At The Roxbury

Drew And Mike – July 6, 2022
Feud talk with Chris Kattan, Carlos Santana’s Pine Knob collapse, Bobby Crimo confesses, Tim Allen’s boat spill, Tigers can’t find Eduardo Rodriguez, fat shaming guys, breaking Stuttering John news with Karl & Elisa Jordana, and Trudi saves Drew’s life. Mark Ridley’s Comedy Castle has some […]

Drew And Mike – June 21, 2022
Deshaun Watson goes 20-24 w/ 0 TDs & 20 NDAs, Bill Cosby loses in court again, WATP Karl takes apart the SmartLess podcast, Ezra Miller on the run, Eli Zaret stops by, OnlyFans “sisters”, a Duran Duran rabbit hole, and CNN v. Fox News: no […]

Drew And Mike – May 30, 2019
Trudi Daniels (@TrudiDan) and Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) today! David Lee Roth surprises/bothers a bachelor party, Juwan Howard cried, the 50 most annoying songs, sports people crying, Chris Kattan’s book claims, Zillowing each other’s homes and Trump wants to feel some muscles. Somebody from Zillow must be listening to […]