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- Trudi Daniels (@Trudicsx) from 94.7 WCSX and Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) today!
- Oh goodie. Lady GuhGah will be pushing politics at the Super Bowl.
- Drew gets a letter in the mail that might just become a case for Gold Star Law.
- Man who falsely claimed his mother died due to Trump’s travel ban says he was on meds, thus wasn’t clear on the date.
- Ann Arbor voted one of the most romantic cities in the U.S. Settle down, Marc.
- 85 year old gets carjacked and the perps only get probation?
- Dearborn police release video of shooting of Janet Wilson.
- Some of the worst vehicles.
- Reminiscing about the dangers of the parking lot back at the radio station to include falling ice.
- A lady gets a new cell phone with a few surprises on it.
- Revisiting Johnny Depp’s square head and bad teeth.
- He like many other actors having to do bad movies over financial troubles. Even ol’ Elvis.
- 20 celebrities with small boobs.
- Sean Penn and Jude Law spending final moments with Hunter S. Thompson.
- Discussing “The Young Pope” and “Catholicism”.
- Trump’s doctor shares some of the meds The Donald is on.
- Trump rips on Arnold. Arnold swings back.
- Groundhogs Day…. great movie, stupid event.
- This Day In Rock to include the day… the muuuuusic died, the quest to find if there were explicit lyrics in The Kingsmen’s “Louie Louie“, Simon and Garfunkel with coo coo ca-choo “Mrs. Robinson“, Sid Vicious dies of an overdose, plans come together for Woodstock 1994, Detroit denies the key to the city to Ted Nugent and CBS apologizes for Janet Jackson’s tit.
- Matthew (not “Matt”) McConaughey wants you to embrace Trump. Joe Buck discusses Matthew on Howard Stern.
- Back to bands still performing past their prime. Wang Chung in 2016 (background singers, blech) and 2013 (security guard, really?).
- Travis Scott decides to go understage.
- Britney Spears has a tit decide to come out for air.
- Marc’s mooooom clears up the Fiero in the ditch story along with an unfortunate stop sign.
- Detroit and unemployment fraud cases.
- Slow down on those annual property assessments, Detroit.
- QLine testing in Detroit.
- Busting through the ‘bloids and the stars that are just like us.
- It’s been 10 years since Anna Nicole Smith checked out.
- Former Forbes publisher James Berrien decides to road rage it with a school bus.
- Kellen Johansen suing Linfield College over a drunken hazing firework mishap.
- “Minorities Need Not Apply” at this restaurant.
- Detroit Lions touching up the logo and uniforms.
- Michigan State recruit Donovan Winter in the slammer on signing day.
- Revisiting Left Eye Lopes burning down the house.
- Mustafa Khaleefa learned to play football by playing Madden.
- The Renaissance Center’s “Insignia” restaurant is closing.
- Shinola breaks ground on a new hotel in Detroit.