Drew And Mike – Aug 10, 2016

August 10, 2016 Drew Lane

Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) and Mr. Ryan Ermanni (@RyanEFox2) from Fox 2 News are here today! Ryan comments on the intro music while Marc suffers from the mean Facebook comments on his Cedar Point park pass ID. Gabby Douglas from the USA women’s gymnastics team taking […]

Drew And Mike – Aug 9, 2016

August 9, 2016 Drew Lane

Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) is here today! Drew is getting the front porch replaced which includes a dumpster in the driveway.  Landscaping next.  A shortage of toilet paper needs to be addressed before Charlie comes back from vacation. 10 teens are injured, 3 critically, following their […]

Drew And Mike – Aug 8, 2016

August 8, 2016 Drew Lane

Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) and The Don are here today! Joey has started up a social media campaign asking listeners to send us in selfies with our newest logo in the picture.  Feel free to either send them to us on our Facebook or Twitter pages […]

Drew And Mike – Aug 5, 2016

August 5, 2016 Drew Lane

Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) and Charlie LeDuff (@Charlieleduff) from Fox Television today! Charlie breaks the story on Jim Wright, Deputy Director from Detroit’s Building Authority resigning abruptly. Ahhh, the good ole days of H. Ross Perot and the giant sucking sound. So a 90 year old […]

Drew And Mike – Aug 4, 2016

August 4, 2016 Drew Lane

Trudi Daniels (@Trudicsx) from 94.7 WCSX and Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) today! A bit warm in the studio as we discover the vents in the house seem to favor only one side of the house.  Trudi suggests “Small-footing” the house.  Tess likes the idea of a […]

Drew And Mike – Aug 3, 2016

August 3, 2016 Drew Lane

Trudi Daniels (@Trudicsx) from 94.7 WCSX today! Ozzy’s hair stylist and former mistress Michelle Pugh (with shitty hair by the way) declares Ozzy gave her “the greatest love of her life”. “The Bachelor In Paradise” Chad Johnson soiled himself. Donald Trump always wanted a Purple […]

Drew And Mike – Aug 2, 2016

August 2, 2016 Drew Lane

Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) is with us today! Shhhhh!  Mike Clark is undergoing a sleep study! Kid Rock aboard the “Rock It” Jimmy John’s boat. We regret to report that “The Bachelorette” finale has occurred and that Robby is now a resident of Dumpsville. Would you […]

Drew And Mike – Aug 1, 2016

August 1, 2016 Drew Lane

Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) and Mr. Tom Mazawey (@TomMazawey) today! We still have yet to receive our first piece of mail at “House With The Shovel” address. It’s the day of car chases.  3 of them before the show starting. Maz tells us how to get […]

Drew And Mike – Jul 29, 2016

July 29, 2016 Drew Lane

Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) and Charlie LeDuff (@Charlieleduff) from Fox 2 Detroit today! Ongoing rezoning issues in Berkley for Marc, drywall and overall Drew home issues for Charlie, hot mail lady issues for Drew. 6 state employees have been charged criminally as part of the ongoing […]

Drew And Mike – Jul 28, 2016

July 28, 2016 Drew Lane

Mr. Mike Clark and Don are here! Starting off a bit later today.  Semi trucks, traffic, charlie horses for starters. Mike reflects on his love for planes and getting his first flight lesson at age 7. Speaking of planes, remember MTV’s “Real World” Go Big […]

Drew And Mike – Jul 27, 2016

July 27, 2016 Drew Lane

Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) is with us today! “Idiocracy” and President Comacho won’t make the anti-Trump ads. Tigers sweep the Red Sox at Fenway!  Marc’s not thrilled about Fenway, Wrigley is eh, alright. A recap of Chad’s finer moments from “The Bachelorette”. Outrage on the West […]

Drew And Mike – Jul 26, 2016

July 26, 2016 Drew Lane

Mr. Mike Clark is here along with The Don! What did you think of Paul Simon’s guitar-less performance at the DNC? Will Bill be much of a help to Hillary getting elected or is better at gettin’ busy with Eleanor Mondale? Daniel Allen Clay is […]

Drew And Mike – Jul 25, 2016

July 25, 2016 Drew Lane

Marc Fellhauer (@MarcFell) and Mr. Tom Mazawey (@TomMazawey) today! Chocolate makes you salivate… just ask Tom! Tigers blowing more games this past weekend. Remember when George Zimmerman stabbed an iPad? Are millennials changing the services offered in hotels?  Has Tom ever indulged in room service? […]

Drew And Mike – Jul 22, 2016

July 22, 2016 Drew Lane

Marc (@MarcFell) is with us today! Yay, more terrorism.  This time in Munich, Germany with a gunman killing 9 before taking himself out. Some loser teens set a dog on fire in Detroit.  The dog survived and there’s a reward out for information. A partially […]

Drew And Mike – Jul 21, 2016

July 21, 2016 Drew Lane

Mr. Mike Clark is here along with The Don! Even with the storms brewing outside, Mr. Clark makes it here despite a month long vacation and a sick day already in the short life span of the show.  What a trooper! Mike’s “issues” pale in […]

Drew And Mike – Jul 20, 2016

July 20, 2016 Drew Lane

Marc (@MarcFell) made it here today… by way of car! How do we manage to keep this show going?  Joey had to hop out for an important call, and Marc lost track of time. The Trump kids have a group hug at the convention… minus […]

Drew And Mike – Jul 19, 2016

July 19, 2016 Drew Lane

Marc (@MarcFell) made it here today… by way of bike! Recapping “The Bachelorette” and the family drama with Jordan Rodgers.  Did Olivia Munn cause a rift in the Rodgers family after hooking up with Aaron? Pippa “The Ass” Middleton is engaged. Johnny Football Manziel… can […]

Drew And Mike – Jul 18, 2016

July 18, 2016 Drew Lane

Trudi Daniels from 94.7 WCSX and Mr. Marc Fellhauer today! RNC convention is under way along with the associated craziness to include… nude chicks.  Um yeah, NSFW for those that don’t know that “nude chicks” warrant an NSFW? In keeping with the radicalized Muslim trend, […]

Drew And Mike – Jul 17, 2016

July 17, 2016 Drew Lane

Drew and Jay on this one, along with a call in from Charlie LeDuff (@Charlieleduff) from Fox 2 Detroit! This Sunday started out like any other with great weather, outdoor activities… and then some slap nuts decides to go on a shooting bender in Baton […]

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